
Contact Information
Electric Fence
Project Consultancy
Contact Information
Management Team

Contact us at:

Elsonic Santo Corp., 12 Queens Road, Bangalore 560 052. INDIA
Tel :   91 80 22266205       Fax : 91 80 22255870    Email: sales@elsonic.com

Your comments & suggestion are most welcome. Feel free to contact us today!


To download product  literature and view other information:
visit www.elsonic.com or click next line for

Fenshok Brochure

To get a rough price quote send complete details about your company, the location where you wish us to provide an effective fence barrier solution and also the following information with a sketch:
# Perimeter length of proposed fence
# Distance between each turn, bend or corner
# Number and width of proposed gates
# Height & width of any existing wall
# Nature of undulations with number of points
   where the dips are more than  1 Metre
# Nature of Soil - dry desert, wet rain-forest or average
# Proposed location of Energiser and Power Pack with
  distance to nearest point of proposed fence
# The expected intruders -- human, animal or both
# If animal intrusion is to be controlled, the nature &
   types of animals
# If humans are to be deterred the type of intruders i.e.
   casual intruders, thieves, dacoits or terrorists

Road Fence; Size=220 pixels

Fence Under Construction; Size=220 pixels

Click Here for Budgetary Quotation Request


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© 1974-2004 elsonic. No part of these documents & images may be reproduced without express written permission from Elsonic. Intellectual Property is protected under several Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights. Revised- October 20, 2004; ELSONIC SANTO CORP., ELSONIC INDIA PVT. LTD. sales@elsonic.com, info@elsonic.com; PAKTON TECHNOLOGIES PTY. LTD. sales@pakton.com.au URL: www.elsonic.com; Mail to: Elsonic India Group, 12 Queens Road, Bangalore 560052,India. Tel:91 80 22266205; Fax:91 80 22255870